PM-D F1 for motor starter power module, Fail-safe up to safety category 4 EN954-1 for monitored start emergency stop can be plugged onto TM-PF30 S47-B0 -B1 30 mm (3RK1903-1BA00) Products
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Name PM-D F1 for motor starter power module, Fail-safe up to safety category 4 EN954-1 for monitored start emergency stop can be plugged onto TM-PF30 S47-B0 -B1 30 mm
Code 3RK1903-1BA00
Type Standard
Brand Siemens
Category Điện công nghiệp
Price 688đ
Tax Rate VAT 10%
Tax Method Inclusive
Unit Cái (Cái)
In Stock No
Product Details
PM-D F1 for motor starter power module, Fail-safe up to safety category 4 EN954-1 for monitored start emergency stop can be plugged onto TM-PF30 S47-B0 -B1 30 mm